torsdag 12 september 2019
La pensee sauvage,
libre pensee,
comme une nouvelle pensee,
"Le developpement" du
cerveau libre.
Les etudiants de cette universite,
est different des autres universites,
parce que les etudiants sont autodidacteurs.
Qui decident de leur facon de penser.
onsdag 11 september 2019
Seule la revolution permet tout,
sinon ce ne serait pas la revolution.
La revolution implique le renversement
de l`ordre existant.
La revolution de demande,
la permission a personne.
Une revolution doit enfreindre les lois
de l`etat dominant pour en instituer
de nouvelles.
La violence est parfois necessaire
lorsque la diplomatie n`aide pas.
Seule la revolution permet tout,
sinon ce ne serait pas la revolution.
La revolution implique le renversement
de l`ordre existant.
La revolution de demande,
la permission a personne.
Une revolution doit enfreindre les lois
de l`etat dominant pour en instituer
de nouvelles.
La violence est parfois necessaire
lorsque la diplomatie n`aide pas.
The contradictory opposite often becomes wrong for the one who confuses the left brain with the right and vice versa; when salt tastes sugar,yes is no,war is peace,light becomes dark and so on.
tisdag 10 september 2019
When a well known person is almost talked behind his back and becomes a subject for biographers interests,one usually finds the contradictory biographies set against each other as if it were a trial negatiation on which biography is almost reliable,where one is 100% positive and the other negative,where both biographier are judge as disqualified and thus untrustworthy,since there newer has been a human who has been 100% good or bad.
© From "The biographers wonder"by Sten Wiking
© From "The biographers wonder"by Sten Wiking
J`ai eu l`avantage ou l`accident de
rencontrer une personne qui souffrait
de poignets intestinaux dans le cerveau.
Il s`agit d`une breve description du
deroulement des evenements et d`une
analyse superficielle des consequences
qu`il a engendrees pour la victime.
Le cerveau est aussi un intestin qui s`anime grace a sa capacite de penser.
Parfois,dessignaux qui devraint normalement passer dans le systeme nerveux central peuvent provoquer une collapsus,
Ce qui est du aux torsions de l`intestin dans le Gyrus temporal vs Gyrus frontalis.
Les consequences sont devasthrices l orsque le soi d`une personne et la realite sont deformes.
Souvent,la personne concernee ignore le changement.
Malgre une guerre mondiale interne dans le cerveau touche,
Ce qui peut conduire a la folie,voire a la mort generalement par suicide.
© Texte de Sten Wiking
måndag 9 september 2019
The madness of psychiatric scientist in analogy with criminal anthropology,
race and social biology,
knows no boundaries between genius
and madness,
where the Italian-Jewish psychiatrist
race theorist and forensic anthropology
father,Cesare Lombroso 1835-1909
identified the Gypsies,Jews and defective
primates as degenerated generals and criminal intellect.
The fact that he saw other peoples as special races and not as homo sapiens
indicates a serious lack of scientific facts.
Lombroso is the one nobody talks about
when it comes to discussing the authors of the holocaust,perhaps because he was just a jew himself,
which was worse than even Hitler him self.
Facts : Lombrosso was the first antisemitic
influence that was planted in Hitler after he read him.
race and social biology,
knows no boundaries between genius
and madness,
where the Italian-Jewish psychiatrist
race theorist and forensic anthropology
father,Cesare Lombroso 1835-1909
identified the Gypsies,Jews and defective
primates as degenerated generals and criminal intellect.
The fact that he saw other peoples as special races and not as homo sapiens
indicates a serious lack of scientific facts.
Lombroso is the one nobody talks about
when it comes to discussing the authors of the holocaust,perhaps because he was just a jew himself,
which was worse than even Hitler him self.
Facts : Lombrosso was the first antisemitic
influence that was planted in Hitler after he read him.
© Texte de "La metamorphose de la dysplasie technologue" de Sten Wiking.
I. Certains oiseaux naissent sons ailes.
Certains poissons sans nageoires et
certains singes sans os.
II.Il arrive egalement que les enfants
ne grandissement pas a cause d`une
mutation genetique ( phenylcetonurie)
dont les enzymes se forment dans le
foie et developpent un trouble du
developpement dans lequel les neurons
ne sont pas absorbes par le cerveau:
environ 100 milliards de neurones.
III.Ces enfants restent non developpes
meme au stade adulte.
IV.Dans des cas papticuliers "Une dysplaci
fibreuse"est generee avant la naissance.
I. Certains oiseaux naissent sons ailes.
Certains poissons sans nageoires et
certains singes sans os.
II.Il arrive egalement que les enfants
ne grandissement pas a cause d`une
mutation genetique ( phenylcetonurie)
dont les enzymes se forment dans le
foie et developpent un trouble du
developpement dans lequel les neurons
ne sont pas absorbes par le cerveau:
environ 100 milliards de neurones.
III.Ces enfants restent non developpes
meme au stade adulte.
IV.Dans des cas papticuliers "Une dysplaci
fibreuse"est generee avant la naissance.
lördag 7 september 2019
Dans le gel enivrant des squelettes et des intestins ou le physiologiste est une procedure connue du chirurgien et de l`autopsie.
Une telle personne indique un desir de dissequer et d`autopsier lui-meme,
physiquement et psychologiquement,
comme une punition ( haine de soi )
auto-infligee avec passion le plaisir.
Qu`est-ce qu`une evaluation psychiatrique indiquerait temoigne d`un individu extremement malade.
En fasciste narcissique en sadisme et masochisme.
En cas d`urgence une elimination obligatoires est necessaire.
Une telle personne indique un desir de dissequer et d`autopsier lui-meme,
physiquement et psychologiquement,
comme une punition ( haine de soi )
auto-infligee avec passion le plaisir.
Qu`est-ce qu`une evaluation psychiatrique indiquerait temoigne d`un individu extremement malade.
En fasciste narcissique en sadisme et masochisme.
En cas d`urgence une elimination obligatoires est necessaire.
Elektra et le complexe Oidipus,
menent toute leur vie une,
lutte ou le determinant congenital
de l`heredite croisee,
est le clivage hereditaire,
de "Ab Ovo"dont certains sont
bloques au stade genital du genre.
Et restent naivement infantiles.
Beaucoup plus malade que les environs
peuvent imaginer.
Personne ne peut
le supporter,
fou !
pris au piege
dans un
©Inclus dans "Les services
de garde perdus"
de Sten Wiking
Elektra et le complexe Oidipus,
menent toute leur vie une,
lutte ou le determinant congenital
de l`heredite croisee,
est le clivage hereditaire,
de "Ab Ovo"dont certains sont
bloques au stade genital du genre.
Et restent naivement infantiles.
Beaucoup plus malade que les environs
peuvent imaginer.
Personne ne peut
le supporter,
fou !
pris au piege
dans un
©Inclus dans "Les services
de garde perdus"
de Sten Wiking
torsdag 5 september 2019
Then he is completely alone in the world,
the 66-year old J.J Rousseau 1712-1778,
perhaps as he wished,
far away from the world and people,
because loneliness is the benefit
for freedom.
A certain retreat can be assumed,
rather than the surrender of disputation
with society,world and people,
alors que son contrat social
n`a pas encore ete approuve
par l`etat.
He has reconciled himself
to the bad through the good
in the world,and can`t change it,
because he did not much good
but not much bad either.
Resignet but not beaten,
his soul is still intact,
bright and good,
albeit poetically melancholy,
that he is still delighted to
hear the twittering birds,
feel the scent of flowers,
and hear the laughter of children.
These are Rousseau`s ten last walks,
as considerations in the final work
from his hands,
as a dreamers diary.
© Ingår i "Thé litterary fragments"
by Sten Wiking
the 66-year old J.J Rousseau 1712-1778,
perhaps as he wished,
far away from the world and people,
because loneliness is the benefit
for freedom.
A certain retreat can be assumed,
rather than the surrender of disputation
with society,world and people,
alors que son contrat social
n`a pas encore ete approuve
par l`etat.
He has reconciled himself
to the bad through the good
in the world,and can`t change it,
because he did not much good
but not much bad either.
Resignet but not beaten,
his soul is still intact,
bright and good,
albeit poetically melancholy,
that he is still delighted to
hear the twittering birds,
feel the scent of flowers,
and hear the laughter of children.
These are Rousseau`s ten last walks,
as considerations in the final work
from his hands,
as a dreamers diary.
© Ingår i "Thé litterary fragments"
by Sten Wiking
onsdag 4 september 2019
Imagine you can build a new world,
as you want it to be with words,
is only a theoretical possibility,
while in practice it seems impossible.
If a poet can win the princess`s
soul with beautiful poetry,
but not her heart,
it means that words are not enaugh.
And if words can kill and resurrect
the dead,the author must be a God
and a Devil in one person.
as you want it to be with words,
is only a theoretical possibility,
while in practice it seems impossible.
If a poet can win the princess`s
soul with beautiful poetry,
but not her heart,
it means that words are not enaugh.
And if words can kill and resurrect
the dead,the author must be a God
and a Devil in one person.
tisdag 3 september 2019
Decor mural de catacombes
avec motif cranes.
The hypnotic depiction of stoic ataraxia,
is immobility where emotional life is dead,
that is lead to apathy and speechlessness.
It`s like an empty skull without substance,
that anyone can imagined anything.
If someone give them salt and you say it is sugar,they dont feel the difference.
That sort of individually are therapists and personality developers dreamclients,
and also religious leaders,politicians and policeofficers target group.
It is the technological development of civilisation,without personality, natural instincts and feelings,where no one cares about themselves and others.
It`s a civilisation where the living dead has no heart,no soul ,no brain,
and Earth has become a graveyard,
where everyone is equal in the dead.
avec motif cranes.
The hypnotic depiction of stoic ataraxia,
is immobility where emotional life is dead,
that is lead to apathy and speechlessness.
It`s like an empty skull without substance,
that anyone can imagined anything.
If someone give them salt and you say it is sugar,they dont feel the difference.
That sort of individually are therapists and personality developers dreamclients,
and also religious leaders,politicians and policeofficers target group.
It is the technological development of civilisation,without personality, natural instincts and feelings,where no one cares about themselves and others.
It`s a civilisation where the living dead has no heart,no soul ,no brain,
and Earth has become a graveyard,
where everyone is equal in the dead.
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