onsdag 4 september 2019


Imagine you can build a new world,
as you want it to be with words,
is only a theoretical possibility,
while in practice it seems impossible.

If a poet can win the princess`s
soul with beautiful poetry,
but not her heart,
it means that words are not enaugh.

And if words can kill and resurrect
the dead,the author must be a God
and a Devil in one person.

tisdag 3 september 2019


                Decor mural de catacombes
                avec motif cranes.

The hypnotic depiction of stoic ataraxia,
is immobility where emotional life is dead,
that is lead to apathy and speechlessness.

It`s like an empty skull without substance,
that anyone can imagined anything.
If someone give them salt and you say it is sugar,they dont feel the difference.

That sort of individually are therapists and personality developers dreamclients,
and also religious leaders,politicians and policeofficers target group.

It is the technological development of civilisation,without personality, natural instincts and feelings,where no one cares about themselves and others.

It`s a civilisation where the living dead has no heart,no soul ,no brain,
and Earth has become a graveyard,
where everyone is equal in the dead.


                  Orfeus vs Eurydike 1650-51
                de Nicolas Poussin 1594-1665

En tant que belles femmes ont la capacite d`eveiller de belles pensees et de beaux sentiments,meme chez les hommes experimentes,leur coeur leur caractere
et leur morale sont mis a l`epreuve,
la ou l`instinct le plus naturel s`avere generalement le plus fort et l`emporte.

A l`instar du coeur et du caractere faibles d`Orpheus pour son Eurydike,
qui a perdu sa chance de la faire ressusciter des morts,
il s`est retrouve perdu et seul dans le monde,ou il s`est euanoui de chagrin,
a ete tue par les *menads.

Seule sa tete a ete retrouvee sur la plage
de Lesbos.

* Menader ( Bacchantes) Femmes irreverencieuses dont le comportement
fou d`obsession d`extase dans les rapports sexual sans contrainte,l`intoxication,
les comportements autodestructeurs
et la violence sans retenue.

© Sten Wiking

måndag 2 september 2019


Instead of children who are bullying each other,let them hug and kiss each other,
as sooner the better for their development.

Let them learn the differences between the heart,the sex and the mind.

The only problem is mothers jealous and sexualised views of children.

If you forbid children`s emotions it naturally has a destructive consequences.

Ban nature ! Ban the instincts and punish the children for showing humble feelings.

A twelwe-year old who is horny as a seventeen,must be disturbed as ill in some way,and must be recommended a psychiatric examination.

So ! rather let them beat and bully each other,learn them to hate,learn them reality that prevails in the emotional climate,that society is controlled by,
and arm them with guns.

Stamp them for life with diagnoses and poison them with psychiatric drugs.

Everything natural is sick and abnormal,
love is a psychotic disorder.

The civilized society gets the monsters it deserves.

© From the Book "The lost childhood" by Sten Wiking


                     Tableau de Jessica Allain
                     "Homme au violon"2011

Le virtuose parfois e`gocetrique pensant,
qu`il a soudainement quelque chose de
nouveau penser.

Dans une autre dimension,
mais soyez surpris
quand il se reconnait,

ou elle est en lui
et il en elle concerne,
mais pas ebranle.

Ils sont comme la corde
et le violon,
inseparables et vont ensemble.


Elle le compose en meme
temps que il la compose.

Ils se font mutvellement
a ce qu`ils devennent,
dans une cie coherente,

addictive inseparables,
comme la corde et le violon,
ils appartiennent ensemble,
dans la symphonie des ames.

© Sten Wiking

söndag 1 september 2019


To mobilize a counteroffensive against crime,aimed solely at the small crime
gangs,is to disregard the corrupt organized
plutocratic finance mafia in the municipalities,where the policepower is to protect the rich from the poor,wich means that the real crime of roots is protected by  criminal policegangs.
So if you believe in the government state of law,you are involved in the crimescene.

torsdag 29 augusti 2019


Racism may end in the world,
when the racists become so formed
that they understand there is only
one race "Homo sapiens" and to which
they themselves belong,
alternatively they convert from racism
to misanthtropy,and even begin to dislike

Maybe teaching dont have any potential
effect on that sort of brains,
so you had to drill a hole in their skull,
to make them understand,
reality of belonging.

Notarius publicus : Sten Wiking


She was born on a rainy night,
and already learned as a child
to get used to an umbrella.
She belongs to the rainpeople,
that lives in the raindrops,
and it was they who brought them
together in the rain,
like two raindrops become one.

© From the book "The rain people" 
by Sten Wiking

måndag 26 augusti 2019

På spaning efter den tid som " INTE " flytt

Många är på spaning efter den tid
som flytt,medan andra är på spaning
efter den tid som "INTE" flytt,
I vilket jag personligen finner det sistnämnda alternativet som mer utmanande attraherande spännande,
i det att det förefaller vara outforskat,obeprövat,gåtfullt samt
att det saknar recensioner för en tid
som ännu inte kommit,
men som kan tänkas komma,
fast ingen vet hur denna nya tid
som inte flytt kan komma att
gestalta sig,
inför vilken vi längtar till
eftersom vi oftast tröttnar
på det som för närvarande är
efter den tid som flytt.

I betydelsen av att uppleva något
ingen annan före eller efter
den tid som flytt upplevt,
och själv finna den tid
som ingen annan funnit,
är mer intressant
än att jaga efter den tid
som redan andra funnit
och upplevt.

Det kan för all del vara bra
där man befinna sig för en tid,
men om man stannar för länge
och inte spanar efter den tid
som inte flytt,
får man ju aldrig veta
om det kanske skulle blivit bättre
i den tid som inte flytt.

söndag 25 augusti 2019


While studying the psychiatric diagnoses
attributed to the primate "Homo sapiens"
It strikes me that in all the other species
there is not a single diagnosis from psychiatric terminology.

This due to the fact that these species are
still natural,while homo sapiens are increasingly developing an unnatural behavior in conjunction with civilization`s
alienation from nature,and more become
technology monsters without feelings.

lördag 24 augusti 2019


En individ med Multipel Dissociativ identitetsstörning,
kan även vara en variationsrik
personlighet med mångskiftande
som ser sin spegelbild i skärvorna
av en sprucken spegel.

*Fakta : Multiple dissociative identity disorder
( Mpd) är en splittrad personlighetstörning med flera alter egon som psykiskt försvar,där den drabbade flyr in i olika roller,ifrån sitt centrala ego.


© Photo d"Sentiles sur leur 
ile isolee " recemment un
missionaire a ete assassine
sur l`ile a la recherce de
christian Sentiles.

Sur une i le isolee des iles Andaman de Golfe du Bengale ( Northern Sentinel ) vit un peuple isole,qu i serait le dernier des peuples autochones de l`humanite,qui refuse tout contact avec le monde civilise.

Ils comptent environ 400 habitants,mais apprennent a construire sur des sources incertaines.

Tous ceux qui s`approchent de i`ile sont captures et disparus.

Les seules armes des Sentiles sont l`arc,la lance et d`autres pieces jointes,

L`inde a interdit l`ile avec une interdiction d`entree et cela est interdit par la loi en contactant les Senties.

L`ile n`a pas non plus de ports ou les bateaux peuvent ajouter.

I`ile se compose principalement de foret vierge,dernier gachis des elements constitutifs des peuples anciens.

En d`autres termes les Sentiles donnent de l`espoir a l`humanite et au cycle ecologique de la nature dans son modus vivendi.

L`achat de votre propre l`le peut etre un projet reussi.

© Texte journalistique de Sten Wiking

fredag 23 augusti 2019


Psychiatric care,means to depriving
the patient all god things in life,
that makes others feel well,
and expect that treatment will make
thé patient feel better.